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How to get your Central Authentication Service (CAS) Account and Password back
作者:    编辑:    审核:    时间:2023-03-28    浏览次数:

The unified Identity Authentication Center (Central Authentication Service abbreviation: CAS) is an important content of information service, and the same account (user name and password) can access many websites on campus.

The procedures of changing your CAS password are as follows:

1.Visit the websitehttp://pdc.hzau.edu.cn/ or http://www.hzau.edu.cn/, then click “information portal(信息门户)” in the middle up of the university home page.

2.Click the “忘记密码?(Forget Password)” in the right down corner to reset your CAS account Password.(Figure 1)

Figure 1

3.In the password resetting page, type your student/Faculty ID as 账户名(username),then click “下一步(next)”.(Figure 2)

Figure 2

4.There are three ways to reset your password:安全问题(security questions)、安全邮箱(security email)、手机短信(mobile text messages, mobile text messages are recommended. Choose the “手机短信(mobile text messages”,Then click “下一步(next)”.(Figure 3)

Figure 3

Please note:Mobile No. is the exactly the same one as the Mobile phone number has been bound (you would be asked to enter your Mobile No.the first time login ); If you need to change the mobile phone number, you must go to the service hall of the Information Technology Center with a valid certificate.

5.Enter 11 digit mobile phone numbers for “安全手机号(security mobile No.)”,click “获取验证码(get verification code)” ,your mobile will receive a text message including the verification code in a second, enter the verification code for “验证码(verification code),Then click “下一步(next)”.(Figure 4)

Figure 4

6.After entering password, Click “重置密码(reset the password)”,your new password setting is successful.(Figure 5)

Figure 5

Please note: Password must contain more than 8 characters ; at least use four kinds of four characters: uppercase letters, lowercase letters ,symbols and digits.(for example: Hz#20230, Hzau#2023).

After completion, you can use the CAS account to log in to the websites of the university.

If you are unable to change the password of your CAS account by yourself, you can come to us for help at the service hall of the Information Technology Center (in the south side of museum)with a valid certificate .